TLCC Anaheim, Aug. 10–13

We can’t wait to see you for TLCC Anaheim 2025. Mark your calendars to join us for three days of learning, networking and inspiration. We’ll share more details in the coming months. 


The conference will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center & Hilton. Located one mile from Disneyland, the property offers a great variety of restaurants and amenities. There will be a block of rooms at a discounted rate for attendees. The booking link will become available when registration opens in late April.
Make your travel arrangements

Call for presenters

Your perspective is valuable. Whether you’re new to Tessitura or a seasoned expert, a first-time presenter or an experienced speaker, we invite you to submit a presentation proposal for an upcoming conference. Share your ideas and experiences, and spark conversations with your peers. Submissions for community-led sessions are due by April 9.

We’re actively seeking presenters from groups underrepresented in the nonprofit arts and culture sector. This might include individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latinx or a person of color; LGBTQIA+, nonbinary or gender-nonconforming; having a disability; neurodivergent; belonging to a religious minority; and other historically excluded groups.

Learn more

Keep the connections going

Continue the conversation and connect with more Tessitura members via our year-round community groups and forums. Explore regional, topical and affinity groups and start discussions that are important to you. Don't forget we also hold events and webinars throughout the year.

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