Who ‘we’ are

We are Tessitura Network, Inc. (‘Tessitura’, ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’), a Delaware nonprofit corporation doing business at 11700 Preston Rd, Suite 660 PMB 214, Dallas, TX 75230, USA.

Personal Information we collect about ‘you’

We respect and protect your privacy rights. This Privacy Policy describes:

  • when and what Personal Information we collect on our website located at www.tessitura.com (‘Website’); 
  • when and what Personal Information we collect through the use of our online software related products and services (‘Services’);
  • when and what Personal Information is collected by any of our service providers through our Website or through the use of our Services; 
  • how we use any Personal Information we collect; and 
  • your rights regarding your Personal Information.

Personal Information’ is information through which an individual can be directly or indirectly identified such as, an individual’s name, e-mail address, account details, items purchased (provided we can connect items purchased to an e-mail address and/or account details) and may also include internet protocol (‘IP’) addresses and device identifiers.

In the context of our Website, ‘you’ and ‘your’ refers to visitors to our Website. In the context of our Services, ‘you’ and ‘your’ refers to recipients of our Services (‘Clients’) and their designated employees, staff, personnel, and other workers.

By using our Website or our Services, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Information as set out in this Privacy Policy. Please note, you do not have to provide us with Personal Information that we request. However, if you do not do so, we may not be able to provide you with the information or services you have requested. 

Tessitura has agreements (‘Agreements’) in place with Clients that contain other provisions with respect to Personal Information. The terms and conditions of the Agreements are in addition to this Privacy Policy and take precedence over this Privacy Policy in the event of any conflict. This includes, without limitation, the terms and conditions of our data processing agreements (‘DPAs’) with Clients.

Collection of Personal Information when receiving Tessitura’s Services

We collect information, including Personal Information from you, on the legal basis of contract for the purposes of performing the Services and supporting you in your use of our Services, managing transactions, reporting, invoicing, renewals, and other operations related to providing our Services to you. Personal Information collected from Clients for the purposes of managing the contractual relationship between the parties, is collected by Tessitura as a data controller (in accordance with applicable data privacy laws).

When we host Services on behalf of a Client, Tessitura provides the services contracted for, which includes storage and processing. In our capacity as a service provider, we will receive, store, and/or process Personal Information about Clients’ staff and customers. In such cases, we are acting as a data processor (in accordance with applicable data privacy laws) and will process the Personal Information on behalf of, and under the written direction of, our Clients, who are the data controller (in accordance with applicable data privacy laws).  

The information that we collect and store for our Clients is used by Clients to sell entrance tickets to events, manage transactions, reporting, invoicing, renewals, other operations related to their providing services to their customers. Tessitura stores Personal Information that it collects directly from its Clients in its role as a service provider for the following business purposes, without limitation:

  • maintaining and supporting its products and services, delivering and providing the requested products and services, and complying with its contractual obligations related thereto (including managing transactions, reporting, invoices, renewals, and other operations related to providing services to a Client);
  • satisfying governmental reporting, tax, and other requirements;
  • the provision of contracted services including storing and processing data, including Personal Information, in computer databases and servers located in the United States, Europe, and Australia;
  • verifying identity (for example, for online access to accounts), as requested by the Client;
  • for other business-related purposes permitted or required under applicable laws and regulations;
  • to protect the security or integrity of our Website, our Services and our business; and 
  • and as otherwise required by applicable laws.

Collection of Personal Information for the purposes of developing Tessitura’s Services

We may collect Personal Information from you using analytics and tracking technologies for the purposes of developing our Services and for monitoring purposes. When we collect such Personal Information, we act in the capacity of data controller (in accordance with applicable data privacy laws), storing and processing such Personal Information on servers located in the United States. 

We also use third parties, who provide us with services and are appointed as our data processors under written data processing agreements with us. Personal Information is collected by third parties whose products and services include surveys, feedback collection, cookies and tracking technologies. We always ensure that we have prior express consent from you before we deploy these solutions, and seek to minimize the Personal Information collected and processed by such third parties.

The purposes for which Personal Information is collected by third parties as data processors on behalf of Tessitura are as follows, without limitation:

  • to obtain feedback and user opinion in relation to our Services; 
  • to optimize use of our Services;
  • to address areas of particular interest with surveys and feedback questionnaires;
  • to provide us with information to enable us to develop our Services;
  • to track a user’s use patterns for the purposes of risk and security monitoring; and
  • to track user’s use patterns and identify key fields of use for further development of our Services.

Delivery of our Services

Our Services are delivered from the United States. If you are located outside the United States, please be aware that information we collect, including Personal Information, may be transferred to, processed, and stored in the United States. To the maximum extent allowed by applicable laws, you are also consenting to the application of United States federal and Texas state law in all matters concerning the Services and this Privacy Policy.

Recording of support calls relating to our Services

We record telephone conversations on our support line for quality monitoring, training, compliance, and security purposes. This practice is in line with applicable data privacy laws, ensuring that Personal Information is processed fairly and lawfully.

All inbound and outbound support calls made to or by us are recorded and retained for 90 days. Recordings are accessible only to senior members of our staff with permission, treated confidentially, stored securely, and destroyed once no longer needed. Payment details are never recorded.

You will be informed about the recording at the beginning of the call through a recorded message for inbound calls and a verbal notification for outbound calls. You are free to object to call recording at any stage during a call by notifying our support staff member. The support staff member will discuss your options with you, including ceasing recording of the current call and ceasing the recording of future calls. 

Call recordings are securely stored and access is controlled by our authorized personnel, and is granted only for specific business needs. Requests for access must be formally authorized and include details such as the reason, date and time of the call, and telephone extensions used. You have the right to access your recorded calls under applicable data privacy laws. 

Disclosures and onward transfers of Personal Information

We never disclose or sell Personal Information to third parties, except as expressly set forth herein. Unless an Agreement provides otherwise, we will only disclose Personal Information that we collect, or you provide, as described in this Privacy Policy:

  • to contractors, service providers and other third parties we use to support our business and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep Personal Information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them;
  • to fulfil the purpose for which you provide Personal Information to us;
  • for any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the Personal Information to us; and 
  • with your consent.

We may share your Personal Information where necessary in order to comply with any legal obligation, legal requests by public authorities, including requests to meet national security or law enforcement requirements, to protect and defend us, our subsidiaries and affiliates and all of our officers, directors, employees, attorneys, agents, contractors, and partners, in connection with any legal action, claim or dispute or in order to enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements.

We may transfer your Personal Information to a third party in the event of a transfer of all or some of our assets to a third party, provided that the third party agrees to adhere to terms similar to those of this Privacy Policy. We will provide you with an opportunity to reject the transfer of your Personal Information in such cases. We may disclose aggregated, non-personal information about website users without restriction.

Retention of Personal Information

We will keep your Personal Information for as long as necessary for the purposes described herein or as long as we are required by applicable laws. After this period of time, your Personal Information will be deleted. We cannot remove your Personal Information when there is a legal storage requirement, such as accounting rules or when there are other legal grounds to keep the data, such as an ongoing contractual relationship.

Security of Personal Information

The security of your Personal Information is important to us. Accordingly, while no set of privacy and security standards or safeguards is 100% secure, we take steps to ensure any information that you share with us is kept secure and strictly confidential in accordance with this policy. We take various precautions to protect information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, alteration, destruction or similar risks. Tessitura Network personnel may access and use Personal Information only if they are authorized to do so and only for the purpose for which they are authorized.

California Residents

Under California law, California residents who have an established business relationship with us may make a written request to us about how we have shared their Personal Information with third parties for direct marketing purposes during the prior calendar year. In response to a written request, we are allowed to provide a cost-free means to opt-out of such sharing.

We do not share your Personal Information with third parties for direct marketing purposes and therefore are not required to provide such a procedure. However, if you would like to access, correct or request deletion of your Personal Information in our possession please follow the cost-free procedures set forth herein.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”)

We do not knowingly collect, maintain, or use Personal Information about children under the age of 13. We request that persons under the age of 13 not use our Website. We will never knowingly request Personal Information from a child under the age of 13. If we become aware that a child under the age of 13 has sent Personal Information to us, we will remove his or her Personal Information from our files. For the purpose of conference registration, you may submit a child’s information as an event guest. By submitting your child’s information you consent to our Privacy Policy on behalf of your child. 

Password protected section of the Website 

Access to the password protected section of the Website (‘Client Section’) is restricted to Clients (and their designated employees, staff, personnel, and other workers), our employees and those separately authorized for access by us.

Passwords are issued on a per person basis and may be used only by the individual to whom the password is issued. All persons who access the Client Section agree not to provide access to the Client Section to anyone else.

Clients are responsible for maintaining the security of any passwords issued by us to them (and their designated employees, staff, personnel, and other workers). Clients agree to promptly notify us in the event of a misappropriation or unauthorized disclosure of a password to a third party.

Email subscription management

You can sign up to receive our business and education email communications. If you choose to opt out of these lists, you may do so at any time by managing the ‘Subscriptions’ area of our Website’s logged in ‘My Account’ page, or from the ‘unsubscribe’ mechanism at the bottom of all our emails.


You agree not to distribute or share any information made available to you on the Website except to the extent reasonably necessary to operate your business in the ordinary course and consistent with any terms to which the information is expressly made available to you. You further agree not to use, rent, or sell for marketing or other commercial purposes any data obtained from our Website including user addresses, and any user web postings including comments or statements.

IP Addresses

An IP address is a numeric code, for example, ‘’ This code is used to communicate between your internet service provider and the world wide web. We log inbound IP addresses (considered to be Personal Information) to administer our Website and to compile aggregate information on site traffic for internal use.


Cookies (and similar files such as single pixel GIFs, web beacons or tags) are small computer files written to your computer or browser when you visit websites. You can manage cookies by activating the settings on your browser which allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be to access all or parts of our Website or our Services. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies as soon you visit our Website or use our Services.

We use cookies to collect Personal Information to make your use of the Website and our Services easier and allow us to track usage of the Website and our Services. For example, when you check the ‘Remember my email’ checkbox at login, a cookie will remember your email address.

For the same reason, we may obtain information about your general internet usage by using a cookie file which is stored on your browser or the hard drive of your computer. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer's hard drive.

Cookies help us to improve our Website and our Services. Some of the cookies we use are essential for the Website and our Services to operate. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, you can visit www.allaboutcookies.org. To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, visit tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

The below table sets out the cookies used across our Website and/or Services and the reason for their collection and processing. If you have any concerns or questions about our cookies, please e-mail us at privacy@tessituranetwork.com

Name Domain Description Reason
__utma .community.tessitura.com Google Analytics: Used to distinguish users and sessions To enable usage statistics and optimization of our website
_ga .community.tessitura.com Google Analytics: Used to distinguish users To enable usage statistics and optimization of our website
_ga .teamsupport.com Google Analytics: Used to distinguish users To enable usage statistics and optimization of our website
_ga_6SP9TX3WQW .tessitura.com Google Analytics: to store and count pageviews To enable usage statistics and optimization of our website
_fbp .tessitura.com Facebook: to store and track visits across websites Enables accurate Facebook advertising
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress .tessitura.com This cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie Supports usage of the Hotjar feedback widget on the site
_hjTLDTest .tessitura.com When the Hotjar script executes we try to determine the most generic cookie path we should use, instead of the page hostname. This is done so that cookies can be shared across subdomains (where applicable). To determine this, we try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternatives until it fails. After this check, the cookie is removed. Supports usage of the Hotjar feedback widget on the site
_ga .tessitura.com Google Analytics: Used to distinguish users. To enable usage statistics and optimization of our website
_hjid .tessitura.com Hotjar cookie that is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. Supports usage of the Hotjar feedback widget on the site.
coveo_visitorId .tessitura.com Coveo search platform to store a unique user ID. Used to optimize search results and performance within the website
visid_incap_2203395 .tessitura.com Incapsula: from our CDN/firewall Tracks users to enable website firewall functionality
_gcl_au .tessitura.com Google Adsense to store and track conversions. Allows measurement of success of website ad campaigns
incap_ses_731_2203395 .tessitura.com Incapsula: from our CDN/firewall Tracks users to enable website firewall functionality
_gid .tessitura.com Google Analytics: Used to distinguish users. To enable usage statistics and optimization of our website
.te.js community.tessitura.com Telligent Community platform: Set if the client supports JavaScript. Used to optimize how the platform builds out some pages or alternatively degrade gracefully (ex. search bot)
.te.w community.tessitura.com Telligent Community platform: Stores the device width. Used to allow the site to correctly present page layouts for different device sizes
.te.dpr community.tessitura.com Telligent Community platform: Stores the device pixel ratio. Used when providing resized images to the clients to ensure that users get properly resized images on high-resolution displays
AuthorizationCookie community.tessitura.com Telligent Community platform A Globally Unique Identifier, used for security purposes. Only set when a user logs in to the site, is required to authenticate a website user to see restricted content
_hjIncludedInSessionSample .tessitura.com This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by the site's daily session limit. Supports usage of the Hotjar feedback widget on the site
website#lang .tessitura.com Sitecore site language specification Set by the Sitecore content management system, which allows multi-language sites
.ASPXAUTH .tessitura.com Used to determine if a user is authenticated Only set when a user logs in to the site, is required to authenticate a website user to see restricted content
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample .tessitura.com This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by the site's pageview limit. Supports usage of the Hotjar feedback widget on the site
ASP.NET_SessionId .tessitura.com Used to identify the user's session on the server Supports authenticated users on our website to allow user information to be populated when logged in
__atuvs .tessitura.com This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget, which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of platforms. Tracking page shares via AddThis
__RequestVerificationToken .tessitura.com Set when a user is logged in to the site to aid in authentication Supports authenticated users on our website to allow user information to be populated when logged in.
visitor .tessitura.com A unique identifier given to each visitor To allow analysis on how visitors use our website
__atuvc .tessitura.com This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. Tracking page shares via AddThis
AuthenticatedUser .tessitura.com Encrypted SSO to connect the user with their Telligent account To enable seamless SSO between the website and Telligent Community platform
SFID .tessitura.com Salesforce User Id Used to connect the website with Salesforce when required
TessituraUserInfo .tessitura.com Users email Used to retrieve users email from different parts of the site and to remember users email in forms
tessituraCSUser .tessitura.com Username information Used when login in with a token-based method
Username .tessitura.com Username information Used when login in with a token-based method
firstName .tessitura.com Username information Used when login in with a token-based method and creating a new user in Telligent (online community)
tzOffset .tessitura.com Timezone offset information Used when creating a new user in Telligent (online community)
SC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIE .tessitura.com Sitecore tracking cookie Used by Sitecore to track the user activities and geolocation personalization

Google Analytics cookies

Google Analytics cookies enable us to collect information (including Personal Information) about how our Website is used, what pages are visited and how long is spent on each page. The information collected is used by us to improve the Website and to provide broad statistical data to our stakeholders or for general benchmarking with other similar organizations.

Targeting and advertising Cookies

We use targeting and advertising cookies to serve tailored ads to you based on your previous visits to our Website, or based on your demographics or interests as determined by Google. Google uses the third-party DoubleClick cookie to collect data and serve ads that are relevant to you on the websites of its partners.

The Website uses Google Analytics Advertising Features for collecting data via Google advertising cookies. The features used are: Remarketing with Google Analytics, Google Display Network Impression Reporting and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting.

Google collection of Personal Information to determine demographic and interest information

When someone visits a website that has partnered with the Google Display Network, Google stores a number identifying the device used in their browsers to remember their visits. This information is considered to be Personal Information collected by Google and may be linked to or associated with a demographic or interest category based on the sites that were visited. In addition, some sites might provide Google with demographic information that people share on certain websites, such as social networking sites. Google may also use demographics derived from Google profiles.

Links to other websites

We assumes no responsibility for any content, information collected, terms and conditions or privacy rules maintained on any linked website and we strongly encourage you to examine the privacy policies contained on these websites. Please inform us at webmaster@tessituranetwork.com about any concerns you may have regarding any of our linked sites.

Your rights regarding your Personal Information

Right to access: You have the right to know what Personal Information about you is included in our databases and to ensure that such Personal Information is accurate and relevant for the purposes for which we collected it.

Right to rectification: You may review your own Personal Information stored in the databases and correct, erase, or block any data. Upon request, we allow you access to your Personal Information in order to erase or to correct or amend such data where inaccurate. You may edit your Personal Information by logging into your account profile at www.tessituranetwork.com or by contacting us by phone at 888-643-5778 or by email at privacy@tessituranetwork.com. In making modifications to your Personal Information, you must provide only truthful, complete, and accurate information. 

Deletion: You may request deletion or suppression of your Personal Information by contacting us.

Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Information where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) as the legal basis for that particular use of Personal Information (including carrying out profiling based on our legitimate interests). In some cases, we may demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to process your information which override your right to object. You also have the absolute right to object any time to the processing of your Personal Information for direct marketing purposes.

Withdraw consent to processing: You have the right to withdraw your consent to processing at any time where we are relying on consent to process Personal Information. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before the you withdrew your consent. If an you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide certain products or services to you. We will advise you if this is the case at the time you withdraw your consent.

Right to portability of Personal Information: Your have the right to request the transfer of your Personal Information (either to yourself or to a third party). We will provide to you, or your nominated third party, your Personal Information in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. Note that this right only applies to automated information which you initially provided consent for us to use or where we used the Personal Information to perform a contract with you.

Right to suspend processing of Personal Information: You may request the restriction of processing of your Personal Information. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of your Personal Information in one of the following scenarios:

  • if you want us to establish the accuracy of the Personal Information;
  • where our use of the Personal Information is unlawful but you do not want us to erase it;
  • where you need us to hold the Personal Information even if we no longer require it as you need it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or
  • you have objected to our use of your Personal Information but we need to verify whether we have overriding legitimate grounds to use it.

Satisfying requests for access, modifications, and corrections to Personal Information

We will endeavor to respond in a timely manner to all reasonable written requests to view, modify, inactivate, or erase Personal Information. You may access Personal Information we hold about you, request a correction where Personal Information is incorrect or a deletion of your Personal Information, unless we have to keep your Personal Information for legal reasons. Usually we charge no fee for complying with your request.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time, consistent with applicable data privacy laws and principles. We will make employees aware of changes to this Privacy Policy either by posting to our intranet, through email, or other means. We will notify you if we make changes that materially affect the way we handle Personal Information previously collected, and we will allow you to choose whether your Personal Information may be used in any materially different manner.

Questions or complaints

Tessitura commits to resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your Personal Information. Individuals with questions or concerns about the use of their Personal Information should contact us at: privacy@tessituranetwork.com. You may also write us at:

Tessitura Network, Inc. 
11700 Preston Rd
Suite 660 PMB 214 
Dallas, TX 75230

Enforcement and dispute resolution

If your question or concern cannot be satisfied by us, we have further committed to refer unresolved privacy complaints to an independent dispute resolution mechanism operated by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution/American Arbitration Association (ICDR/AAA). 

Version updated August 2024