Headshot of a person with short brown hair and blue eyes, facing forward and smiling. Twinkling lights in the background.

Artistic Director & Chief Executive, Birmingham Hippodrome

The invisible jazz hand


12 min

Can musical theatre be a source of economic growth for a country in need of a boost?

Jon Gilchrist believes it can. As the Artistic Director and Chief Executive at Birmingham Hippodrome, Jon sees how musical theatre sells, and not just in London’s West End. It’s one of the UK’s major cultural exports. And it creates jobs.

Beyond that, he said, “I think musical theatre is important. It brings people together; it’s a timeless expression of culture. It brings joy, and boy, do we need that right now.”

At the same time, musical theatre — like any business — requires risk. As costs rise, risk tolerance declines. When theatres feel the need to rely on safer material such as jukebox musicals, it’s harder to shepherd new work from creation to the stage. 

How, then, should theatres nurture the next big hits? “Even the classics were new musicals once,” Jon reminded us.

His solution begins at home. The Birmingham Hippodrome, Jon noted, is one of the UK’s busiest theatres. About half of the more than 600,00 tickets they sell each year are for musical theatre.

“Even the classics were new musicals once.”

So, in 2023, the Hippodrome created its own department for new musical theatre. They run a writers’ group that helps six writing teams develop new ideas. They’ve already shared a musical in development to a live audience. A new musical theatre brand, aimed at families with young children, will launch in late 2024. They have created a space dedicated to artists so that creatives from the region can gather, collaborate and dream together. 

And Jon dreams all this will reach new audiences, employ a future generation and transform the region’s economy.



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Jon Gilchrist presented this talk live as part of Tessitura’s Innovator Series at the Tessitura Learning & Community Conference in Washington, D.C., in August 2024.

Headshot of a person with short brown hair and blue eyes, facing forward and smiling. Twinkling lights in the background.

Jon Gilchrist

Artistic Director & Chief Executive
Birmingham Hippodrome

Jon Gilchrist is Artistic Director and Chief Executive of Birmingham Hippodrome in the UK.

From 2018 to 2022, Jon was Executive Director of HOME in Manchester, the city’s centre for live performances and international contemporary art and film. He worked as Executive Director of the Bush Theatre between 2014 and 2018 and, in this time, he led their major capital redevelopment and helped expand the organisation’s reach as a centre of excellence for diverse emerging talent. Before this he worked in marketing roles at theatres across the North West for 10 years, including the Lowry in Salford, the Octagon Theatre Bolton and the Dukes in Lancaster.

Jon is the joint president of UK Theatre and is also on the board of the Edge Theatre in Manchester.


Arts & Culture


Innovator Series