Andrew Recinos

President & CEO, Tessitura

Nurture deep roots


16 min

In nature, some trees find it hard to weather rough storms.

To protect these trees, we must help them develop deeper roots.

In recent years, arts and culture organizations have faced record-breaking storms, from the pandemic to inflation to funding cuts. What is your deep-root equivalent? According to Tessitura President & CEO Andrew Recinos, the answer lies in the foundational ideas that anchor and nourish your organization: your mission, vision and purpose.

“I’m not suggesting that deep roots can make those storms go away,” Andrew said. “But I do wonder if they can support and galvanize your work around people, funding and programming.”

Andrew Recinos, a man with dark hair and glasses wearing a blue suit, presents in front of a dark blue background on a conference stage.

Tessitura President & CEO Andrew Recinos onstage at TLCC Gateshead in March 2024. Photo by Ben Hines.

“Humans will always need creativity and curiosity and community and joy.”

Business research suggests that organizations with deeper roots are stronger and more resilient. The same is true for individuals and teams. Deep roots bring clarity. They enable evolution in rapidly changing times.

“That very specific thing that you do will change,” Andrew said. “The needs and wants of your audience will change. But here’s what won’t change. Humans will always crave beauty and knowledge and movement and storytelling. Humans will always need creativity and curiosity and community and joy.

“Build upon these deep roots,” Andrew said, “and one can only imagine what we can accomplish in the next 100 years.”

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This presentation was recorded live at the Tessitura Learning & Community Conference in Gateshead, UK, in March 2024.


Arts & Culture


Business Strategy

Andrew Recinos

Andrew Recinos

President & CEO

Andrew Recinos spends his days in conversation with professionals devoted to advancing the world of arts and culture.
He considers himself very, very lucky.