Arts and Culture
Community & Connection
5 min
Learn how being SMART can turn your big challenges into achievable objectives in this TN Inspire! talk by Tim Baker from Baker Richards at TLCC2017 in San Diego, August 2017.
How SMART are your objectives?
5 min
Learn how being SMART can help turn your big challenges into achievable objectives in this TN Inspire! talk by Tim Baker from Baker Richards delivered live to 1,800+ arts & cultural professionals during TLCC2017 in San Diego, August 2017.
TN Inspire! takes place each year at the Tessitura Learning & Community Conference. Presenting on a passion of their choice, speakers have exactly five minutes to teach, enlighten, or simply inspire the audience. But there is a twist! Each presenter is limited to 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds, keeping this fast-paced speaker series lively and entertaining for all.
Arts & Culture
The value of art in the age of the digital native
Arts & Culture
Does the lens through which we experience art, determine the value of art? Travis Estes from the St. Louis Symphony presents live at TN Inspire! during TLCC2017 in San Diego, August 2017.
Please sweat the small stuff
Arts & Culture
How can we re-connect with our mission in just five minutes per week and what difference will that make to our work? Melanie Evans from Mystic Aquarium has the answer in her TN Inspire! talk at TLCC2017 in San Diego, August 2017.
Is this just real life, or is this fantasy ticket sales?
Arts & Culture / Ticketing & Admissions
Hear how a Fantasy Ticket League engaged Jess Schuknecht's team in the shows they were selling at Overture Center for the Arts, in his TN Inspire! talk at TLCC2017 in San Diego, August 2017.