
5 min

“As Tessitura users, we inherently understand the value of small pieces that come together to be part of a greater whole.

But we also need the time to step back and realize that we, too, are part of something much greater.”

Chris Campbell, Business Intelligence Manager for Grange Park Opera, presents live in front of 1,950+ arts & cultural professionals at TLCC2019 in Chicago, Illinois.

Returning to TLCC for its fourth year, TN Inspire! is Tessitura’s fast-paced speaker series. Presenting on a passion of their choice, speakers have exactly five minutes to teach, enlighten, or simply inspire the audience — with a twist! Each presenter is limited to 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds, keeping the presentations lively and entertaining.

View all 2019 TN Inspire! TalkS > 


Arts & Culture